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Instead, Cortilla takes over Holden's vessel and its gunpowder. Chamberlain, as United States Army Lieutenant Winslow, asks Grey Holden (lead series character played by Darren McGavin) to transport Cortilla and his men to a military garrison. In the story, Juan Cortilla, a Mexican bandit played by Joe De Santis, is stormed from jail.

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Dave Winslow in 'Chicota Landing', a 1960 episode of the series Riverboat. Kildare in 1964Ĭhamberlain co-founded a Los Angeles–based theatre group, Company of Angels, and began appearing in television series in the 1950s. Gillespie) from the television program Dr.

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Kildare), Daniela Bianchi and Raymond Massey (Dr.

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